Friday, January 25, 2008

Top Ways To Save Water

Clean water is a privilege that a large number of people throughout the world do not have, so when you use water in your home, remember those that are not as fortunate and try to conserve as much of it as you can. There are a few different ways to do this and we are here to give them to you.

You should realize that most showers use less water than bath tubs full of water do. Try to keep your shower under about 10 to 15 minutes and this will save about half a tub full. How much water you use in the shower will vary depending on how long you stay in there, so if you are in a hurry to get somewhere and need to bathe, avoid running a full tub of water when you will only be in it a few short minutes.

A showerhead that limits the amount of water being put out can also be used. These are not expensive and you can install them yourself.

Try to avoid having complicated shower systems installed in your home. These often end up using a lot more water than you actually need to get clean.

If you have a garden, you can capture some of the water in a bucket and use it to water plants. You can also do this with the water from your washing machine, as long as you do not use water that contains bleach.

Purchase sink plugs for all the sinks and tubs in your home and turn off faucets when you are not using them, even if it is only for a minute or so. Turning a faucet on and off may seem tedious and insignificant, but it adds up over time.

Try not to wash dishes unless there are enough of them dirty to need a full sink of dish water. You should also not to half loads in the dishwasher or the clothes washer, since each load uses the same amount of water to wash a load. Washing machines usually offer the option to wash smaller loads, but close to the same amount of electricity gets used to wash them, so you are better off doing only full loads.

Have any water leaks in your home fixed as soon as possible. This includes toilets that do not stop trying to fill themselves up.

As long as you follow these tips, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars a year.