Friday, January 25, 2008

Staying Safe Around Water

Lots of homeowners who have the space to accommodate one are considering having a pool put in the backyard, but after the pool gets installed and filled with water, do they really know all the safety rules that they need to go over with their family before it gets used? There are quite a few safety rules concerning the pool and the surrounding area and we are here to tell you what they are.

The first thing you need to have is a fence so you can close off the pool to small children and intruders. What many homeowners do not realize when they install a pool is that if a child wanders onto your property and drowns in it, most courts will say that you are liable simply because you did not have it blocked off. A fence may be expensive, but this is really something that you need to have to keep the children in your neighborhood safe and to keep yourself safe from a lawsuit.

One of the benefits of a community pool that you do not have at home is a lifeguard that is trained in CPR and first aid. This means that you should take it upon yourself to learn these skills, even if you think that an accident cannot happen as long as you are there. It can and if you are not prepared for it, it can cost a life.

One thing that you should consider purchasing if you have small children in your home are Safety Turtle wrist bands that have a base station and if the band becomes submerged underwater, the base station emits an alarm that tells you that the child has gotten into the pool. Both the wristband and the base station will cost you around $175, but the peace of mind that it will give you is priceless.

Make sure all the members of your household do not run around the edge of the pool, since there is a high risk of falling into the pool, hitting your head, and passing out under the water or just hitting your head on the side without actually falling in. Either one could be life threatening, so make sure that the big kids in your house show the smaller ones that running around the pool is not okay.